Sunday, July 08, 2007

122. The Mutant

They are easily spotted. Someone that goes against the norm in a group. Different. Strange. Frightening. They threaten because they are all that. Because what isn't known, is invariably feared. And what is feared, is loathed. And fear is channeled into hate, then hate into action.

Thus the mutant is dealt with; shunned, ostracised, destroyed. They become social pariahs, the source of constant gossip and rumour mongering, the end of every joke, a punchline. And we have our laugh about them, feeling smug in our own superiority. But it is a nervous, hollow kind of laugh. Because deep down we know.


Anonymous said...

we think their mutants because we actually we do not know them well enough. And we judge them too soon, of which... they meant well.

Bigcityb said...

Hey, you keep adding your friends, but where are they?

jija72 said...

trying hard not to make this sound like a sermon, but it needs to be said. at times, we forget our purpose in life. i believe that those who seem like outcasts are better off than those who always try to fit in..and yet in the end..feel outcasted.

joe said...

Drew posts now and then when he has the time, but Alf and Melv are much too busy and important to perform such frivolous acts like blogging. Bastards

joe said...

Everyone's is somebody's mutant to a certain extent. Think about it. Just like everyone's somebody's everything.