78. Stand
Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. Grit your teeth, suck it in, take the blows, and stand up and be counted. It's part of life. And we each of us have come to such situations when a little steel was necessary. Be it during those excruciating hours spent at work over the weekend chasing that impossible deadline with even more impossible team members. Or playing through the pain barrier for your team on the court or on the field 'cos everyone's counting on you. It can even be just getting on with life as usual after suffering a great loss...something as simple as that, yet it may be the hardest thing in the world. Say aye if you agree. Yes, you can stop nodding your head sagely as you read this (that sage nodding of yours is making you look like a moron to everyone else).
A man defines himself in his actions rather than his words. True. But you know, sometimes it ain't that easy eh. You have a little whinge about it, mope a bit. But then you get the shit done. No point feeling sorry for yourself and wallowing in useless self-pity. Don't play the blame game now. The time for making excuses should be consigned to your adolescence. Ah, might sound like typical machismo bravado, but it's true. There are no other options...except...
Whining like a girl in your blog, and writing posturing shit like the above to convince you to stand firm when the shit has truly hit the fan. My word, haven't we just got ourselves into a pickle. Dear oh dear. Speaking of pickles, check out the size of that mother below (I mean the pickle, not that random potential serial killer holding it). My, ain't she grand. Quite why the chubby dude holding her looks so happy is a mystery to ponder in the cold recesses of night...shiver...
drew: typical takes a day, impossible takes a week.
impossible is nothing...just do it
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