212. Damaged
But nothing irreversible. A rebound at the Emirates is required. Time to stand fast lads.
I think, therefore I am...I am, I am, I yam...yam, yam, yam...I yam what I yam
But nothing irreversible. A rebound at the Emirates is required. Time to stand fast lads.
Blogged by joe at 9/27/2010 02:51:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Footie Rants, Joe's Stuff
Apparently I still suffer from the odd bout of insomnia...my version of insomnia that is, meaning I stay wide awake at night and force myself to get up come early morning, getting all zombied up for the betterment of mankind and to preserve humanity. Or was that to perverse humanity? Hmmm, I forget. One of those. Hehe hihi.
Blogged by joe at 9/15/2010 03:11:00 am 0 comments
Labels: Joe's Stuff, Voices In My Head
Blogged by joe at 9/09/2010 10:49:00 pm 0 comments
Labels: General, Joe's Stuff
When good things end badly, as they tend to do, then they end spectacularly bad. No shit will go down without a fight, and it'd try to take you down as well, kicking and screaming.
Blogged by joe at 9/07/2010 11:50:00 am 0 comments
Labels: General, Joe's Stuff