Friday, March 28, 2008

We've only just begun

Changes and upheavals, new blood and substitutions. Our daily morning coffee & newspaper treated us to hardline debates, public finger-pointing, innocuous mud slinging and genuine proclamation of determination for a better future. Those kept interest of our national political evolution or saga depending which side you're on, have their toes in line and tummy tucked for times are changing.

Hey days are gone like the credit boom, but in difficult times come opportunities. For better or worse? That is our million dollar question. Democracy allows the little voices to be heard as intended when this political system was conjured by ancient Rome, and 2008 dragged us out of our proverbial couch to make our country wary our needs & wishes. Steady ascension since independence intoxicated us, muhibbah and tolerance as our best virtue delayed our political fitness, now a stronger opposition will check & balance any government decisions.

There is still a daft minority whom left me disappointed that doesn't believe in the game that politicians play, those not bothered as reasoned their livelihood illusion will remain intact regardless of this momentous effort for this wind of change. I will draw a line in the sandbox and shout out to those hardly impetuous, bimbos & plastics to not plead ignorance. Like most, I doubt the untested but somehow the little voices of conscience & fight in my head will silence.

Mornings now are crisper, my coffee with a copy of newspaper bearing political volatility charm enriching my national pride. Time is now to prove your worth of salt, time to show your quality. If you felt intimidated by those verses from joe's previous blog, try Carpenters' per this blog title.

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